- Pokemon Leafgreen/Fire Red - Strategy For Winning At The Game ...
- I Need More Coins! How Do I Win Big At The Slots??? - Pokemon ...
- Win BIG$$$$$ At The Slots Hints And Tips For Pokemon FireRed ...
Listed below are working Pokemon Leaf Green cheats for Game Boy Advance and GBA emulators that support Gameshark codes. We recommend using Pokemon LeafGreen US V1.0 Rom version to make most of these cheats, but if you don’t have, that’s fine. However, It’s not guaranteed all these codes will work in your game.
- Pokemon names with normal text color can only be found in both versions.
- Pokemon names with this color are exclusive to FireRed.
- Pokemon names with this color are exclusive to LeafGreen.
A Huge City
Celadon City is the largest city in this game. Its PokeMart has six stories; no wonder it needs an elevator! They sell all sorts of things. You'll be able to buy TMs and normal items (such as Potion and Antidotes) on the second floor. On the third floor, you'll see many people playing Game Boy Advances. Talk to the person at the register, a Move Tutor, and he'll teach one of your Pokemon the move Counter. The fourth floor has many evolution stones you can buy to evolve certain of Pokemon (ex. Eevee) for $2100 each. On the fifth floor, you'll be able to buy items such as X Attack and Calcium. These are items that modify a Pokemon's stats so they can do better in battle. Finally, you'll reach the rooftop, where you'll find three vending machines and two people, including a little girl. Get a Fresh Water, a Soda Pop, and a Lemonade from the vending machine, and give it to the little girl one at a time. She'll give you TM16 - Light Screen, TM20 - Safeguard, and TM33 - Reflect, respectively, for your drinks.
Celadon Mansion
There is huge building to the right of the department store that's nearly empty inside. Talk to the old lady who's surrounded by Pokemon on the first floor. She'll give you Tea, which you can give to any one of the Saffron City guards so they can let you through. You'll also find the game's programmers in this building, one of which will tell you to return after getting all the Pokemon. He'll give you a diploma for catching all the Pokemon.
Now leave the mansion, and go in through the back door. Go all the way to the rooftop, where you'll find a small building. Inside you'll find a person and a PokeBall on the table. Pick it up; it's an Eevee!
Other Stuff
The restaurant south of the Game Corner has a man who'll give you a Coin Case to carry your coins. There is an old man to the left of the Game Corner, and van be reachede only by surfing across the water. He's a Move Tutor, and can teach your Pokemon Softboiled.
Game Corner
Now go to the Game Corner, a place full of slot machines and people on them. Team Rocket made it, and you win or buy coins in order to trade it in for Pokemon and TMs in the building to the right of the Game Corner. A few people will give you free coins, and there are invisible coins scattered on the ground that you can pick up. At the top of the Game Corner, battle the Rocket member, and push the button on the poster. A staircase leading to the basement appears.
Team Rocket's Hideout
After that, you'll be going through four floors, battling Rocket members and collecting valuble items. There is a spin maze on the second basement floor (B2F). The arrows in the maze will toss you in whichever direction the arrow points. Here, you'll pick up a few items including a Moon Stone and TM12 - Taunt. On B3F, you'll find TM21 - Frustration and Blackglasses, which boosts the power of Dark Pokemon. There is another spin maze on this floor where you can pick up a Rare Candy. Head to B4F, where you'll find TM49 - Snatch. Battle the single Rocket member at the top, and he'll drop the Lift Key for the elevator. Take the elevator on B2F to B1F. Battle the Rocket member, and take the elevator again to B4F. Go all the way to the left, and pick up the Calcium. Head up to the two Rocket guards and talk to them. They'll fight you, and after you're through with them, they'll open the gates.
The Boss
Walk through the entrance, and you'll face Giovanni, the head of Team Rocket, in an intense match. He has a lv. 25 Onix, a lv. 24 Rhyhorn, and a lv. 29 Kangaskhan. A Grass or Water-type Pokemon would work out fine fighting this guy. However, beware of his Kangaskhan, as it can be very powerful. After beating Giovanni, he'll disappear, and leave behind a Silph Scope. This is used to detect Ghost Pokemon.
Gym Battle!
After beating Giovanni in the Game Corner, head to the gym by cutting the tree. Here you will battle Erika and other trainers (many of which you can avoid, who all use Grass-type Pokemon. Erika is the trainer in the middle between the two trainers inside the enclosed area. She has a lv. 29 Victreebel, a lv. 24 Tangela, and a lv. 29 Vileplume. If you choose a Fire Pokemon as a starter, then beating her would be very easy. Even if you didn't choose a Fire-type starter, a Psycic or Ground Pokemon would come in handy, since Victreebel and Vileplume are weak against those types. Beating her earns you TM19 - Giga Drain and the Rainbow Badge! Next, head to Lavender Town's Pokemon Tower with your Silph Scope.
Once you get to Lavender Town, go into the Pokemon Tower. Head up the stairs, picking up items and battling scary looking women. Right before you reach the stairs that leads to the top floor, you will be stopped by the ghost of a dead Marowak. It was a mother of a Cubone, and was killed by the evil Team Rocket. Defeat her to calm her spirits (you cannot catch her).
At the top floor, you'll be fighting three Rocket members. They will leave one by one after you defeat them. At the end, you'll find an old man, known as Mr. Fuji. Talk to him, and he'll transport you to his house, where he'll give you a PokeFlute.
Locations (Pokemon Tower) |
Now go back to Celadon City, and head west to Route 16.
Catching A Big One
Cut the tree and battle the two couples in a two-on-two match. Head through the building to get to the other side and then go into the small house. Inside, a little girl will give you HM02 - Fly. Go back and cut the tree again to get back to the other side. A fat roadblock, a lv. 30 Snorlax, is blocking the road to Saffron City. Save your game, press 'A', and the PokeFlute will begin to play. Snorlax soon wakes up, probably angry at what you just did. Try to catch this Snorlax, which can be quite difficult. Even if you accidentally made him faint and you didn't save the game, there's one more Snorlax in the game.
After either capturing or defeating the Snorlax, go through the Guard House for an Amulet Coin from one of Prof. Oak's aides if you've captured at least forty Pokemon. After that, go to any Guard House that leads to Saffron City. The guard will drink your Tea, and then will let you through.
0If you’ve been to the Diamond Casino in GTA Online, you probably tried to play some of its games. It’s a stylish casino with lots of slots; blackjack, baccarat and poker games. Despite that, there’s a big issue in the establishment. The games, more so slots, seem rigged. Sure, slots aren’t the fairest of games. The house always wins. But there’s a difference between losing a few times and doing it continuously. Worse, the game’s Non-Player Characters (NPCs) win frequently. If you’ve been keen to observe the NPCs at the casino, they hit winning symbols suspiciously fast.
Aren’t they all the same?
I’ve played a lot of casino themed games over the years on a range of formats, right since the 1980s when I bought Vegas Jackpot from Mastertronic for the Vic 20. You know that the odds are always stacked against the player no matter what. That comes with the territory, but any title that claims to simulate casino games still have to offer some degree of realism. If I lost every game of slots I played on Vegas Jackpot, I wouldn’t have bothered with it for more than a few minutes but it did let players win.
It’s the same with all of the games I’ve played on the PSP. I’d been a fan of poker ever since I first watched a tournament on Channel 4, captivated by the likes of Dave Ulliolt and Phil Hellmuth. As such I was drawn to the console games, first on the PS3 then the PSP. While the stars of the World Poker Tour made the games appealing, it was the fact that these AI players could be beaten helped keep the games engaging. No, there wasn’t any money involved but what’s the point of playing any video game that you can’t win? And it felt the same widening the appeal further with games like Hard Rock Casino. You’re not going to make a virtual million on it, but if players and fans of the game like myself weren’t able to win a single hand of cards, earn any chips on a roulette wheel or come away with anything from the slots room then what’s the point of playing? None whatsoever.
So, why would GTA Online rig games that don’t help you win real money?
To Keep you Focused on real Crimes
Rockstar knows if the Diamond casino becomes profitable, players will spend more time gambling than doing heists, smuggling or racing. But if people keep losing; they will spend less time playing games and more time doing other activities.
Of course, the games allow you to win from time to time. A lucky Reddit user recently won $2.5 million. But if you read through the thread, a lot of players have been playing thousands of chips and winning very little.
Pokemon Leafgreen/Fire Red - Strategy For Winning At The Game ...
To Regulate Gambling
The last thing Rockstar wants is an accusation of creating problematic gamblers. That’s why it has designed its games to remain unprofitable to players. Additionally, you can’t gamble more than 50,000 chips in 30 minutes. Considering the 500,000 chips cost around 30p, you can’t gamble excessively.

Another regulation is to limit players that come from countries where gambling is illegal. From Belgium to Poland, China to Egypt, people whose countries prohibit gambling are welcomed with this message. “Your account cannot complete this transaction.”
For Profits
Rockstar needs players’ cash, real money. And with its games tilted in its favour by a mile, players that fancy gambling at the Diamond Casino must keep purchasing new chips. Unsurprisingly, the developer allows you to buy chips using real money. However, you can’t withdraw gambling profits.
Are there Fair Games at Diamond Casino?
Although the odds of winning slots at the Diamond Casino are slim, there are several more games in the casino with better odds. Blackjack and poker, in particular, operate fairly. The casino also features roulette and baccarat tables. Blackjack and poker are the best games to play if you want to win regularly. With blackjack, you can use a range of strategies to beat the dealer. With proper skills, on the other hand, winning poker is relatively easy.
Of course, you can’t use your gambling profits to do meaningful things on GTA Online. But being a member of the casino grants you a penthouse you could embellish to look elegant. Playing the games is also fun, even unfair slot machines.
Where can you Play Fair Slot Machines?
If you love playing slots on GTA Online despite never winning anything substantial, there’s a better way to play the games. Fruityslots.com/slots/ features several detailed guides of how to play hundreds of slot machines for real money. The website also shows you where to play the games, including some casinos that welcome you with free betting money.
Real money casinos, obviously, allows you to cash out your profits. But how do you know their games are fair?
Regulated by Respected Authorities
Unlike slots at GTA Online, real money gambling sites are regulated by independent authorities. In the UK, gambling companies acquire licenses from the Gambling Commission. Gibraltar and Alderney also have regulatory authorities. But they provide licenses to enable casinos to operate outside of Britain.
True, Visible Odds
GTA Online claims its slots have a 98% payout rate. But if you’ve played the game, you’ll know the figure is wildly exaggerated. You could gamble hundreds of times and win nothing. But at the same time, the casino’s NPCs could win continuously.
Real money casinos have verifiable payout rates. In fact, some casinos allow independent game auditing companies to check their games for fairness. That way, a slot with a 98% payout rate will hit more frequently than a 95% machine.
You can win
The best way to know how fair a slot machine is to play it. Most real money slots regularly hit, even if it’s small amounts. Some games, however, hit moderately but produce decent wins. On the other extreme, you could play a game that rarely lets you win. But when it hits, you could win tens or hundreds of thousands of pounds.
I Need More Coins! How Do I Win Big At The Slots??? - Pokemon ...
Can you increase your odds of Winning Slots?
You can’t increase your odds of winning slots at the Diamond Casino. But if you play real money slots, there are ways to boost your chances of winning. Here are some of them:
- Choose High Paying Games – Theoretically, high paying games pay out more frequently than less paying slots. In reality, you can’t be sure which game pays you the most money. But you have better odds playing games designed to hit frequently. The average online casino pays out 96% of wagered cash, but you can also find games with a 99% return to player rate.
- Use Casino Bonuses – Some casinos give you bonuses to welcome you to their platforms. Use these rewards to help extend your game time. You could also win real money with the awards, and the cash could help cover your losses or maximize your profits.
- Play at the Best Casinos – Find casinos with great reputations. This ensures you get paid every time you win. The best-rated casinos also provide high paying games and bonuses, both of which can help increase the odds of winning.
To Conclude
After you buy a penthouse and gain entrance to the Diamond Casino, you’ll probably realize the slots are unfair. You can confirm that by comparing your win rate with the win percentage of NPCs. You could continue to play if you don’t mind losing. But if you want to cherish high-quality slot machines and win real money, consider joining real money online casinos. The reality is that the Diamond Casino is DLC via stealth means, just adding some gameplay into the mix where players don’t always get the in-game rewards they’re paying for.
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Win BIG$$$$$ At The Slots Hints And Tips For Pokemon FireRed ...
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